Leadership Conversations Workshops
Do your leaders struggle with giving feedback or handling challenging conversations?
We also offer a range of different programs and workshops aimed at helping leaders, teams and groups to hold more meaningful and robust conversations. Feel free to explore the different topics below, and link through to Leisa Molloy’s website for more info.
This program provides leaders with the practical frameworks, tools, and guidance to have more meaningful career, growth and development conversations with their team members.
Participants will learn to navigate these conversations more confidently, using key coaching skills to gently encourage ownership, explore relevant development pathways, and handle common challenges and dilemmas.
The program includes opportunities for learning, reflection, discussion and skills practice.
Participants will walk away with a toolkit that includes a set of structured conversation guides to help them plan, prepare for and hold these conversations in their 'real life', on-the-job environment. Additional options are also available for the seeking ongoing, follow-up support or coaching to further embed key skills.
This difficult conversations program provides participants with insights, skills and tools to more skilfully navigate ‘tricky’ or difficult conversations at work. It is suitable for both leaders and employees.
The program includes opportunities to explore typical responses to conflict, as well as the underlying psychological drivers that can limit or support psychological safety. Participants also learn a robust, flexible step-by-step framework for raising challenging issues and engaging in productive dialogue. Finally, a range of takeaway resources and support is provided, helping individuals to apply new skills in their ‘real life’ environment.
Together, the tools and insights gained through the program support individuals to handle challenging conversations in a more deliberate and thoughtful way.
This program provides leaders and managers with a range of tools and skills for having meaningful, specific and constructive feedback conversations. Participants learn how to use the IDEEA framework - a tailored model that brings the best feedback and coaching frameworks together in one robust, but flexible approach.
It is worth noting that this program includes a strong emphasis on adopting a very open, curious and ‘human’ approach to sharing feedback - being clear, but kind in their approach. In turn, this helps leaders to deliver feedback in a way that cultivates greater levels of trust, clarity, connection, and psychological safety.
The program includes opportunities for learning, reflection, discussion and skills practice. Participants also have unlimited access to a broad range of resources & tools to help them confidently go away and apply all of their skills and learning in ‘real life’.
This short, practical and insightful workshop provides participants with the insights, tools and ‘know how’ to deliver specific, meaningful and relevant pieces of positive and appreciative feedback.
It is relevant for both leaders and employees - basically, anyone who wants to contribute to a culture of gratitude and recognition.
The workshop can be delivered as a 90-min, webinar style session or a longer, more intimate 2-hour interactive workshop.
For more information on the workshop and how it can meet the needs of your team or organisation, please reach out!

Given our formal qualifications and experience in Organisational Psychology, we bring a depth of understanding in human behaviour to our work with individuals, teams, and organisations. In working with you, we are also able to draw upon our broad experience and knowledge in the areas of leadership development, neuroscience, positive psychology, employee motivation and performance, and behavioural change.