Organisational Values Projects
Helping you to create meaningful and engaging values
A well-defined, meaningful and engaging set of organisational values can help in shaping a positive culture where employees are all on the ‘same page’. They create a shared understanding of what really matters most to your business, employees and customers - and why.
Organisational values can also strengthen connection and alignment across employee groups, creating a shared sense of purpose and commitment to a broader vision. They help to create clarity around the guiding principles that should underpin the everyday behaviours, interactions, and decisions of your employees and leaders.
Bringing employees on the values journey…
In our view, too many organisations fail to engage their employees in the process of establishing or defining organisational values, resulting in limited understanding or commitment to truly ‘living’ the values.
Another common mistake involves creating a set of great values – but without creating opportunities for employees to explore their meaning and relevance in the context of their everyday roles.
In these situations an organisation’s values often end up being represented only by the posters on the wall. Or the words included at the bottom of an email signature.
Our ideal clients are those who hope to bring employees on the values journey from the outset.
How we can help…
If you are seeking to identify, define, or embed a unique set of relevant and meaningful organisational values for your business, we can help.
We offer support in the development and implementation of organisational values initiatives, including the design and facilitation of tailored organisational values workshops and consultation sessions.
Depending on your specific needs, these activities can be focused on any or all of the following objectives.
Defining Organisational Values
Identifying and defining a set of meaningful values for your organisation, including associated behaviours
Gathering Values Feedback
Gathering employee feedback on a set of existing or proposed organisational values
Refreshing Values
Seeking insight on ways to ‘refresh’ or renew current organisational values, to ensure their ongoing relevance
Embedding Values
Helping employees to engage with the values, and explore ways to truly ‘live and breathe’ them in their everyday roles and context
Supporting Values Based Leadership
Training leaders and managers in providing values-based feedback, and holding conversations that support a values driven culture

Given our formal qualifications and experience in Organisational Psychology, we bring a depth of understanding in human behaviour to our work with individuals, teams, and organisations. In working with you, we are also able to draw upon our broad experience and knowledge in the areas of leadership development, neuroscience, positive psychology, employee motivation and performance, and behavioural change.